Saturday, November 22, 2008


年关近,吾仍然觅无职,很是无奈,虽已有心理准备,尾牙已近,且金融风暴再现,但还是有挫折感。但,话挫折为力量,是每个为人的特征,非常之人,必为非常事。望诸公,共勉之,疾风知劲草,路遥知马力。回来政治,党选仍为焦点。小莎莎终于下战书,单挑拉大娘。小莎说,只为不可为而为之,乃相应基层号召;拉大娘则一怒红颜,冲冠,暗喻背信弃义。如此看来,大战在即,一战方可解千愁。拉大娘,执掌二十余年,强悍作风,敢怒敢言,众所皆知。只是,花无百日红,如今求变在即,未免晚节不保,以后见面尴尬,还是识相点退位让贤。敦马放话,爆内幕,交名单。敦马,敦马,人不在政治,心却仍在那瞎搅和,此乃尘心未泯,六根未净。成精但未得道,假以时日,比为患国家,祸患无穷,无间地狱,无边无际,善哉,善哉,我佛慈悲,点化,点化。刚入雨季,风声雨声骂架声声声入耳,家事国事天下事唯利是大。翁兄,运筹帷幄,强势领导,强调天无二日。党职排列,出乎预料,但也在预料中。老蔡,心口不服,必会有所动作;逼虎跳墙,可别驯虎不成,反为其所噬,狮城虎案,应为借鉴,与公共勉之。伯拉,乐得清闲,到处告别访问。但求,好来好散,要在丹青留名,还先完成未竟之。经济为当前国之大事,经济求转型,又要面对萧条,实在是两难。如果政府与人民,合心,必能挨国严寒。但本国政府,严重诚信破产,无利民之为。奥巴马党选,证明顽石也可点头,种族政治,是个死胡同。但仍有报圆守缺之人, 身为外相,思想如此死脑筋,实为社稷之不幸。小啊,含冤莫白,魂断马国,一日未昭雪,实在难入土为安。凶手仍逍遥法外。

Thursday, November 13, 2008



Election of Prime Minister----2

As I propose in my last article regarding the possible elect PM, I also recommend abolishing the enactment about the minister in cabinet must appointed among Member of Parliaments. PM should allocated the right in appointing candidates for minister, heavy weight post like such as Finance and Defend Minister, which play important role in setting policy must gained the consent from Parliament. MP can hold an inquiry on candidates, before debate and voting in parliament. The principle applied on appointment of Chief of judge, commission of anticorruption, auditor and etc. Reduce the power of executives, strict in principle of distinct of power; prevent compromising of executives, jurisdiction, and Parliament. In parliament, the structure should be reconstructed. At present once a bill is table, procedure of reading, discussing, and voting would be run on it. I comment that is too wasting time and resources, severe commission should establish in parliament regarding government policy such as treasury, defend, education, allocation. Before a bill tabled, it should discuss first in these related commission, necessary enactment should be set and complete the bill, thereafter bill sent to parliament. This is only my draft, haha………..daydreaming lah……..

Karma of Malaysian ?

DPM tabled saving packages that totally cost 12billion ringgit for reboot Malaysian economic and prevent the recession. How save the market? First by invest 5billion in valuecap to buy out those company who the share been undermined and potential to growth, second increase government expense via constructing public utilities, and also reduce any mega project and purchasing that deem no necessary now. Where the money come out? Loan with EPF and reduce the pay rate, increase disposable income and thus resilient market. How dare they can be, appoint a company to help those company in poor performance? What criteria they make for a mean of undermined company? Why must help those poor performance company at expense of public fund? We shouldn't foot their bill especially the mistake they created. if government able to interrupt in their management and make it profitable, then in other way round I wouldn't oppose it, however due to the notorious of GLC in misconduct and making huge losses even in time when economic performance is strong, I am not optimistic on government 's saving package. What sadness is, most of Malaysian minister now in busy time in their party election. Thus don't expect they would use brain in counter the issues, since their brain now lack in space although most of the time they never use it. Hey, Malaysian now can only rely on our self, hardworking and upgrade to enhance strength to survive. Maybe people will comment still has opposition that can voice out and critics government, kesiahnya, opposition only focus whether the saving package table in right procedure instead of the amount enough for saving the market. Both side full of agenda, but nothing regard to people. Maybe this is karma, possible Malaysian destined to pay debt on them, because of our vote. …………