Friday, February 27, 2009


国伟因为捍卫学生权益而被校方以莫须有罪名控告,罪成可被停学。事发后,各民主组织,厉声谴责。国伟是我的朋友,其人开朗,乐观。加入学运的过程,和我蛮为相似,都是在大学最后一年才加入,但活跃度,我实在自愧不如。犹记得,实在Jerit bicycle campaign 认识他。国伟是其中一位骑士,负责南部路线。在过程中,收到许多无理的干扰;恶言中伤,恐吓,。。。。但他也没退却。。。。。晒了一身古铜色,也强壮了他的意识。


MPP 的论述,不外乎为国伟不应小题大做、破坏校内和谐、破坏大学名誉。MPP 至今所发的新闻稿,都只是围绕在校方的利益,而没有任何对学生权益的看法。难道对于MPP而言,校方利益摆中间,学生利益放两旁? 无论在情在理,MPP都将会失去舆论的支持。

有者更言之凿凿,有外来者的介入,事件才会越演越烈。那么,若非有外围团体的介入,MPP 是否就打算不闻不问?任由坐地起价的发生?任由勇敢的人被打压?MPP, 在国伟事件初始至今,都没主动和他联系,若真关心校园生态,为何从未对校方的行为做客观分析?令人反感的是代表10000名学生的MPP, 在其新闻稿上,一直强调校方的权利,以及公正性。其攀附强权的丑恶面表露无遗。其字里行间,充斥对当权的歌功颂德,奴颜令人恶心。


Friday, December 26, 2008


月落乌啼霜满天, 江枫渔火对愁眠。
姑苏城外寒山寺, 夜半钟声到客船。

在归家途中,巴士越过麻河,正逢黄昏,故忆起《枫桥夜泊》。 古时诗人借诗词抒发情怀,更借词讽时政,也因此流传后世亘古名诗。 杜浦一首《春望>描绘出安史之乱时,百姓颠沛流离;李白《蜀道难》,更是流芳百世,笔落经风雨,诗成泣鬼神。无数文人骚客借笔墨,为神州大地刘下一页传说;忧国忧民者,也以此道尽对时局的期许既无奈。
民联,同床异梦,貌合神离已是不争事实,convenience marriage 不言而喻,辜负人民期待。 瓜登补选,议论纷纷,内部角力,心知肚明,各为其主。顺得哥来,失嫂意,权衡得失,党老大还需慎选候选人。
圣诞已过,年关将至,荷包缩水。一年难过,年年过,寄予各位“难过关关,过关关;关关难过,关关过” 海哲明有云:世界虽不美好,但仍值得为其奋斗。

Friday, December 19, 2008

socialism only remedy 2

in socialism , we learn important to built a social that sharing the resources , fair in distribute the wealth. i am short in one sentence one for all, reverse to the capitalism all for one. actually i am more pro-capitalism, because we can't deny people desire and greedy, instead of prohibit it which born with us, we can convey it for the good faith. allow the competitive would benefit the people, fundamental right for people enjoy high quality and low cost. However monopoly by a party would jeopardize the living of people, that i anti strongly. But also i am not agree government grant the tender to certain party in excuse to grow it, which practices by Malaysian gov. Indeed, this is responsible of gov, helping underdog party but no by granted. Gov should helping in way like consultant, skill provider, loan and so on.

socialism an only remedy?

2008 economic crisis, alert people with the dangerous of un-controlled economics development, and the destructive of over credit to the world. literary , only US, UE and majority western country fall down, the world hope the China standing still, weathering the storm while celebrate the 30 year annivery of reformation. However, do China economic strong enough? i don't think so, although the China posses highest reserve in the world, but take consider the demand and the purchasing power of the chinese, i don't think they would consume all manufactutor of other country, so in the end, we has our own.
the leftist comment this is consequence of the capitalism, and speculate the drop of the socialism. socialism is percept an only remedy for the world, and reformation is concurrence. i am agree in few context of socialism, Karl Marx, emphasized the important in fair wealth distribution , a neccesay of power concentrated govement in deciding and running national affairs. however, i am insist that people's right to pursuit wealth should not be denied. Yeah, we know the fair in distributing the resourse to the social and averaging the wealth.
the Wealt of Nation state, the mportant of goverment alienated from the market, market value of good only decide by an unseen hand. compititives among the manufacturator would provide high quality and low price benefit th consumers.Adam Smith didn't expect the obligation of consumer may one day bitted by the MOnopoly.
Modern economics taking intangible product as main stream to boot the development, creat share market and oppotunitist, a risk undernealth or saluted by it. the fist crisis occured in 1920 create Great Depression.
And now we re facing a crisis that speculated may worsen that any others. At moment, Malaysian still feelling slim of it, however the reccesion at next year is the truth color of this storm , re we malaysian really prepare to it

Thursday, December 18, 2008

A single step of cyclist, a giant step of malaysian's democrasics

Dec 18 was a define moment to me, totally feel i am different , i am a adult now !! has my own thinking, involve national event , cool men, i feeling good.
this morning actually, we as a squad berani ditangkap should cycled to Parliament from the lake garden, however the god damn gangster beruniform barricade us with ridiculous mean, therefore for the sake of safety, administrator forced to compromised with officer, we only cycled begun with the Jln parliament. Opposition MP came support us, hand to hand lead us to the Parliament. I was lead by Seremban MP , he praise and proud of me. flank, i felt so wonderful, however i must mention him, i am not the only cyclist, and they re the really warriors . from the starting og the expedition, these cyclist faced a lot challenge, although they re only young , but their attitude was positive, through out the expedition either south or north to KL, they never give up. harassment, arrested, detention, threaten...... fed they more mature , and i believe they re the generation we need for the sake of Malaysian. indeed, only people acknowledge and recognize the real of Malaysian, can change the Malaysian become ever good country. Current corrupted gov, is so weak to handle and full the people need, people power is necessary to justify it. Pak Lah, wanna has a name in Malysian history by table two Bill regard to JAC and MCCAC, however still these Bills are controversy only so that BN is no willing to course the Malaysian toward a clean country.
Back toBicycle campaign, the cyclist traveling through every Kampung, Estate, city ..and more. By sending message of change to the citizen, they success to gain the support of public. Hail to the organiser, especially Mr Aruj, Kajang city councilor , he contribute a lot to the campaign, negotiate with police and coordinate the local council , to make sure the campaign was running smoothly, and cyclist re safe.
Police allege MP Sg Siput exploit the children is baseless, all the cyclist re clearly know objective of the campaign, also the organiser only allow their participation, provide they re permitted by their parent.
therefore, we has a scene the parent scold the police instead of organiser, ironically, still police wanna charge 29 of campaign coordinator under children protection act. welfare department were irresponsible to protect the children, they should take care of children safe at first place, however their slow reaction and no willing negotiate with police, and even no gave statement to condom the arrest only impress public the bias of gov policy.
however, still we re success to hand the memorandum to BN gov, this was a breakthrough in Malaysian Democratic, reflect that people now will fright and struggle for the human right, defend and claim back the fundamental right of people, hidup rakyat !!!

Saturday, November 22, 2008


年关近,吾仍然觅无职,很是无奈,虽已有心理准备,尾牙已近,且金融风暴再现,但还是有挫折感。但,话挫折为力量,是每个为人的特征,非常之人,必为非常事。望诸公,共勉之,疾风知劲草,路遥知马力。回来政治,党选仍为焦点。小莎莎终于下战书,单挑拉大娘。小莎说,只为不可为而为之,乃相应基层号召;拉大娘则一怒红颜,冲冠,暗喻背信弃义。如此看来,大战在即,一战方可解千愁。拉大娘,执掌二十余年,强悍作风,敢怒敢言,众所皆知。只是,花无百日红,如今求变在即,未免晚节不保,以后见面尴尬,还是识相点退位让贤。敦马放话,爆内幕,交名单。敦马,敦马,人不在政治,心却仍在那瞎搅和,此乃尘心未泯,六根未净。成精但未得道,假以时日,比为患国家,祸患无穷,无间地狱,无边无际,善哉,善哉,我佛慈悲,点化,点化。刚入雨季,风声雨声骂架声声声入耳,家事国事天下事唯利是大。翁兄,运筹帷幄,强势领导,强调天无二日。党职排列,出乎预料,但也在预料中。老蔡,心口不服,必会有所动作;逼虎跳墙,可别驯虎不成,反为其所噬,狮城虎案,应为借鉴,与公共勉之。伯拉,乐得清闲,到处告别访问。但求,好来好散,要在丹青留名,还先完成未竟之。经济为当前国之大事,经济求转型,又要面对萧条,实在是两难。如果政府与人民,合心,必能挨国严寒。但本国政府,严重诚信破产,无利民之为。奥巴马党选,证明顽石也可点头,种族政治,是个死胡同。但仍有报圆守缺之人, 身为外相,思想如此死脑筋,实为社稷之不幸。小啊,含冤莫白,魂断马国,一日未昭雪,实在难入土为安。凶手仍逍遥法外。

Thursday, November 13, 2008

