Tuesday, September 30, 2008
党选近,乱象生,众生皆苦,只因政客忙绑桩脚,民生,民意,早在大选后抛到九霄云外。有人急当民族先锋,有人要敢怒敢言。有人逼宫,有人被打压。跳梁小丑,各耍活宝。今天对号入座,明天抹黑对手,谁是谁非,是功是过,早已没有意义。金融危机已迫在眉睫,不思国家,只为个人着想,灭国有期。竞选者,无治国之才,更无安邦之略。套机取巧,豪取巧夺,欺世盗名。此话怎讲?君不见各竞选人,其manifesto,皆为民粹,种族主义,无人提出改革之两方,无人提出如何保护金融,免遭次贷波及。载稿前,美国会已否决7000亿援救配套。世界经济必遭波及。。。。。。。。古有云,天作孽,犹可活,自作孽,不可活。但一人作孽,万人遭殃。世间如此不公,是因为资本主义使然,还是惨遭歪曲?十年寒窗苦读,只为未来能飞黄腾达,但如今能过有一顿温饱已属奢侈。。。。。。伯拉誓言三年灭贫,观如今环境,能否达成,实在保留。天可怜而,但愿政客遭报应,除一政客,胜造七级浮退。救黎明百姓于水火之中,应为博客之任。政治不清明,就应该义务来纠正。 祝各位开斋节快乐
Monday, September 29, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Enough is enough
This unrest September seem like would extend to next month and next, next, next month until Anwar success in toppling current BN government. September 16 come and went, nothing exciting happened, no any people crossing over but instead arresting of reporter, blogger and MP by notorious ISA. Anwar Ibrahim for sake of nation and people, he must rust out Abdullah, and toppling the current cabinet. Induce 31 or more BN parliamentarians jump from a "sinking ship" what he called, and form a new coalition government that would bring dawn to Malaysian……if this government really formed, Anwar become Malaysian sixth PM, but it also a simple majority government and if BN and PR swap their roles, this new opposition would also do what PR now doing, "seduce" MP crossing over, making any possible of coup, Anwar's cabinet also would no seat very long and well on its chair. Do Anwar ever survey rakyat's comment? Although in PKU 12, opposition clinched strong support from people, five state's people voted PR as their state government, but in other way round, BN also mandated by rakyat to form government. Anwar should realize it, and respect to people choice. I also agree this current government made many mistake since 308, failure to bring judicial reformation, tackling corruption, wrapped racial issue and no taking effective way to counter inflation. However, still what I insist, BN has mandate from rakyat, therefore neither legal nor illegal steps are no morality and rioting the situation. Opposition can vote no-confident on PM and force him dissolve the parliament. Flash election after it; require rakyat to solve the tension by rolling paper. I agree and support Anwar become Malaysian's PM, but I also worry he is another Tun Mahatir. Both has truth similar characteristics person, charismata leadership, outspoken and determine. Tun Mahatir a controversial Malaysian PM, he brought prosperous to Malaysia, advance Malay's community, lifting Malaysia's role in international by criticize developed country suppress economic growth in developing country. But, he also the same person, make us not believe judiciary system, believe Malaysia is a country full of corruption; Tun Mahatir can't deny he is the person buried Malaysian's democratic system and making a gap between Malay and non-Malay community. Now although 81 years old, he still has influent on Malaysian's politics. However, his tactic by playing racial's issues and racist ideology, would only jeopardize the growth of democratic since March 8.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Who can really solve racial issues? We! Not them!!
PM urge all the parties stop rising any racial issue, and racial relationship is tensed by these issues, destabilize the country. He also said, sentiment issues that not been talking in past, now is surfaced will only jeopardize the racial relationship, so must prevent to discuss it. it look like rational, and also sound like it, however also discover that BN still avoid to dissolve the problem that existed since Merdeka, still operate carpet policy. We can hide the head in sand, but problem still exists. Now is the time, when Malaysian is high educated and rational enough to discuss, debate and even come out a policy to tackle the problem. The problem that can't solve in your time, leave it to us, we are confident enough to solve it. New thinking and ideology are remedy for now Malaysian dilemma, Malaysian youth is sensible and take whole country on their shoulder. Don't tell me what we can't, just believe what we can, give me three young men, I can shake the world. The world is becoming even complicated and competitive; yours conservative would only make Malaysia recess. Racial issues should be solving in this generation, don't leave it for another 50 years and wait for next generation to solve it.
家泉兄,宣布竞选署理主席,再创事业高峰。可喜可贺,家泉兄一向予人务实且负责的形象,若然当选可谓社稷,国家,民族之幸。但,对于其近日言论,汶着实不能苟同。在其发布会上,认为霹雳乃大州,应有更大话事权。这一点让吾听来,心理不是滋味。霹雳乃大州,那么雪州,柔州就是小州?霹雳应有话事权,那么雪州,柔州是否应更有权?那么其他州?柔州人一直为国阵堡垒,更是马华唯一侥幸胜出的地区。多年来,总会长,有哪任不是出自该州?有趣的是,多不为柔州人。柔州从不排外,欢迎有贤者前来,也不以此要挟更多话事权。如今此言一出,被人收之以柄,以此煽动,对黄君确实不利。家泉兄入政以来,一直被抨击兄以弟贵,但这些年来表现有目共睹,04年大选,更挑战反对党强区,虽败犹荣。在最近某区党大会上,黄君声称,人民已醒觉,不再为反对党蒙骗。你是阿Q?还是真的如此懵懂?人民眼睛是雪亮的,你在做,人民在看。人民是BOSS,怎能轮到你评估?如此保守思想,怎能迎向新时代?308 大选及Permatang Pauh补选,一再显示人心思变,变得不只是该单元去多元, 更是强调民主要至上,三权要鼎立,经济要灵活,媒体要自由。若马华,不能顺应民意,那么近半世纪家业岌岌可危。不如早点转行,如此多产业,若转型为企业,党员为股东,也不失为一门路。刻苦改革,民之所欲,常在心中,那么要东山再起,又或是另起炉灶,都能师出有名。今番谏言,实属有感而发,尊重原创,翻印必究。
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
近日闹剧不断,先有州议员乱放厥词,而又闻国会议员借观摩为由借土循去,以避风波。大马正逢多事之秋,诺没有一颗看破红尘之心,还真难过日子。 先看看阿末事件,此人因一时口快,煽动群众,借机捞取利益。谁知偷鸡不成,反而换来攻扞,如今老鼠过街,实为报应不爽,愿各位以警效知。 阿末,何许人也?竟如此大胆,忤逆领袖,以下犯上,还劳驾副揆为其擦屁股。仔细查来,原来为升旗山州议员,又为该区巫统区部主席,简而言之乃为党搁。党搁意为桩脚,拥有一定派系,控制某区票源。若为平时,不足为虑,但如今恰逢党选,故以此挟领导。但今昔不同往日,如今族群和谐,多元文化为主轴,任何极端种族言论都被视为异端。本来道歉即可了事,但偏偏食古不化,又可能隐藏议程,如今闹得不可开交,各族关系开始紧张,一触即发。 但老百姓心理,眼里都是雪亮的,谁是谁非,一睥便知。可怜的是,伯拉哑巴吃黄连,有苦自己知,又要顾及党内派系,又要安抚盟友。 自成立以来,巫统可有如今之尴尬? 佛家有云:善恶到头终须有报,如今的苦果,可知是何时种下?往日一手遮天,盛气凌人,现在可有反思?历史是公正的,是对是错,都在笑谈之间,百年以后自有定论。
国民不可再任由政客愚弄。人民为当家,政府为管家,彼此角色要清楚。国民不可再任由政客愚弄,捍卫司法改革,坚持三权独立, 摈弃种族主义。国民不可再任由政客愚弄,巩固两线制,监督政府政策,监视任何工程,提防任何贪腐。
Why Ahmad no need to apologize?
Our honorable Bukit Bendera Stat assemblymen Ahmad Ismail recently, bombarded within and outside the BN , all parties condemn about his "immigrant" issues. Yap, yap, if you really concern this issues may feel angry, harmed and disappoint, but please claim down, let me tell you why he no need to apologize about that.
- He quote what his said was from the textbook, conducted in current Secondary school. Therefore obviously, he only reaches at most SPM level. So why should us argue with a person only at SPM level? Indeed, if we look more thoroughly, he may no even pass it! Because during his time, impossible for government drop a student who passed in SPM, especially a Malay.
- If he really so low education levels, there must be a roughly way for him to reach his current status. He really fight for it, struggle for his existence. So what ideology he holds for offering him become state assembly? One and only------racist!!
As a populist, growing more people condemn or criticize him, there will be more people embrace him as a Pejuang Kaum.
- For PR supporter, you must not condemn him!! Maybe Ahmad is a warrior, he fight for the democratic of Malaysia and hope one day making a Malaysia for Malaysian. He wants to rectify UMNO within Party, after 308, if seem to be a mission impossible. So he thinking of making UMNO trouble, let it in boil water, so that UMNO would has any chance to suppress the growing strong of PR. Poor Ahmad, scarify himself for Malaysian, hail for him!
- Ahmad Ismail, just want to know if UMNO really give up the racist ideology. As we notice after PRU 12, although UMNO leader kept said they did hear rakyat's warning, but still no any sign indicate they are doing any reformation. This year is UMNO election; he must the tendency within the UMNO, conservative? reformation? and do Abdullah leadership really determine to do it ? By pushing Abdullah to an edge, he would force Abdullah to make decision on his choose.
- Ahmad Ismail just an ordinary UMNO politician, he acquired all his Kong Fu from UMNO, UMNO practice him become what the Ahmad we know. Poor Ahmad, an only qualify UMNO product.
So we must forgive what he said, but only mentally!! We still must acting criticize him, because we re also an actor in this soap drama. P.S I still worry about Malaysian's future, do we steering to better or stepping in a muddy? Even MP in muddled in it~~~~ kesian~~~~~
Friday, September 5, 2008
My Seoklah Wawasan-----Do u support my idea?
Figure 1 the organization of proposes Sekolah Wawasan
Propose This is the new sekolah wawasan I proposed, three streams is under one roof, state department and school would be allocated more power in their syllabus and administration. Currently, Malaysian education system is under federal government affairs highly centralized, state or locate government can have narrow role in it, therefore, student may know Malaysian history, but no their state or tanah air diri. State government should have more said in education system. Furthermore entire Malaysia now divided into different pieces of corridor. As we know those economic corridor exploit different field of industry, such as Iskandar, more focus on petrochemical, commercial, and manufacturing, north corridor intend to become logistic hub, Sarawak exploit in energy. While, therefore state government can fostering human capital needed for these corridor. The comprehensive information about my ideal is demonstrated at below:
Malaysia primary school education.
- Sekolah Wawasan 2
- The school is like a community, and divided by different compartment.
- Each of the compartments possesses its right in ruling and administration.
The power and right of each compartment
1. SJ(C), (T) and (M)
a). recruitment is scheduled in same time but the procedure carry out by each own.
b). the school’s affair is controlled by the headmaster respective.
c). the headmaster only abiding the instruction from the state education department
d). the appointing of staff (for teaching only) is under the power of MOE.
e). the schools sharing the facility such as court, canteen and hall.
f). each school has right to held ceremonial individually but no include the festival
g). the festival is celebrate altogether.
h). sport day, open day and any important ceremonial should held by trio, for reducing the
i). the human resources include the teacher is shared.
2. Headmaster.
a. supervisor of each school.
b. representing the school in the school affair council.
c. automatic member of the school affair council.
d. appointed by the MOE.
e. only receive the order from the state education department.
f. administrating the school.
g. prepare the annual report to MOE, SED, and SAC.
3. School Affair Council (SAC)
a. membered by each headmaster, three representative from the teacher association, three member appointed by parent association, and one representative from alumni.
b. discuss each school affair, manage the sharing facility.
c. scheduled the school holiday
d. establish jawatankuasa for management of facility, festival and progression or development of school.
e. prepare annual report for the MOE, SED and related admitted NGO.
f. discuss and pass the bill and allocation
4. Secretary.
a. carry school’s paperwork
b. prepare the document for the council.
c. appointed by MOE.
d. record the meeting and set the date for SAC
4. State Education Department
a. state agency
b. entity body, separated from MOE.
c. power in school building, land, and the administration.
d. provide allocation.
e. share power in editing the syllabus.
f. approve the textbook used in the school.
e. monitor the development of school.
g. audit the annual report prepared by SAC.
e. applied the allocation from the state and federal government.
f. prepare annual report to state government and MOE.
5. Ministry of Education.
a. Policy marker.
b. setting the blue plan of education development.
c. teacher training.
d. power in appointing the headmaster and teacher.
e. editing syllabus
f. setting the education act.
g. approve the allocation.
h. prepare annual report to the Parliament.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Vernacular Education-----Barriers of ethnic solidarity?
Malaysian education system is a weird and unique system in the world, traveling of the word, you will realize, how unique we re, maybe one day we can apply world heritage on our system. Primary education divided to vernacular and national school, the administration, syllabus and co curriculum are the same. As we seen and percept Mandarin school is for Chinese, Tamil for India, and National school for Malay, our people are divided since young age. although most of them would be conveyed into a only one stream secondary school ( SMK), but still they could choose entering SMKJ and Chinese independent secondary school which predominant by Chinese. In fact these had make some of them only live in their community, losing the chance to interact with other races. This is an ironic, since us re pound with Malaysian multi-ethnic society that live in harmony for so many decades? But we all know this is an illusion that would only appear on Cuti-cuti or Malaysia, truthly Asia billboard. Be confess to your self, check your contact list how many Chinese or Malay friends you have? How many of you been visit or invite other race to ceremony or Rumah Terbuka? Some of my friend, especially through out their school life never had experience same class with others race, yap...I no hiding it, I referring people from Chinese school. Don’t always accused the government is racist and bias, you re not racist? You re no undermine Malay? But I can understand it, since u primary school, and secondary school the Malay you know is only the Pak Cik selling the goreng pisang, mamak, cleaner, worker ……… However you must realize you re only 22 % in population, you can’t forever hide you self in it, without contact the rest 78% you re nothing……. So kick out any racist ideology, because you re no fit to have it.
Ok, my article here, no for nagging, but I have propose an ideal for new education system. My idea is no origin, be confess, I only modified Sekolah Wawasan that proposed at 90 and but quickly condemned by Dong Zhong. Dong Zhong is a non-profit organization, struggle and fight for Chinese education system, because of them we able to reserve a complete Chinese education system, from primary to higher learning. I appreciate their contribution, but I can’t accept the way they fight. Their too proactive, whatever government policy on education if touching about Chinese school, they will became so hypersensitive, they criticize sekolah wawasan, no accept non-Chinese candidates for headmaster, and reject offering of MOE intend to convert half-subsides to subsides. Indeed, these policy is jeopardize the right of Chinese school, but in flank also kick out a chance make the Chinese education become main stream in current education system.
Sekolah Wawasan or vision school has objective to combine the entire current stream under one root, sharing all hard and software cutting the cost. For you information education is a only field allocated windfall in every year budget. Most of it spend on constructing the school, establish and maintain the facilities, human capital and etc. therefore by sharing the resources, the government can save thousand million of ringgit, reduce the deficit and corruption. Furthermore, the vernacular school would benefit most in Sekolah Wawasan. Start from Merdeka, the government always finding excuse to reject any proposes to establish new Chinese school. And this always become a treat to forced Chinese vote BN in every election. In Sekolah Wawasan project 3 in 1 system, government must build the vernacular school in Sekoah Wawasan, since those racist politicians find no excuse to decline it. Moreover, by organize events like Sport Day, Hari Terbuka, Ceremony and etc, pupils would has chance to communicate, cooperative since young child, tarnish any possible growing of racist ideology in their soul. Malaysian should nurturing student mastering in multiple langues, BRIC new economic engines in next decades, we re the country benefit most in it!! Grabbing these opportunity with superior we had i.e multi langue and culture, we can use it compete other country, which are superior to us in financial, technology and human capital. Don’t angry, I no saying Malaysian is no good therein, but in fact, can our financial fight with Spore and Hong Kong ? Can our technology advance than US, Japan and Korea? Therefore we need find another way to enhance compete to attract any potential market. Blue Ocean strategy mention, don’t land your self in a really full market, expose a new market that no conquer by any one else, a market that only you can exploit.
Sorry, I am writing too much on other subject. Why Dong Zhong still reject Sekolah Wawasan, there are a lot of worry they perceived on this project. First, they can’t trust proposal, if we back to history, government has so many notorious policy and tactics on Chinese community and school. Inevitable, Dong zhong is no worry nothing, all of us know, BN government is no possess any public trust. Corruption, bias, bureaucracy and conservatism, racist and the entire bad thing on earth are what we perceive about BN any steps. Secondly, Dong Zhong worries, if Chinese school merged, they will power on control it. Indeed, if any bias happened on Chinese school after merging, Dong Zhong would lose any judicial status to fight for it. Thirdly, they also worry about the status of Chinese school in sekolah wawasan, are all the schools are equal? All like organization of BN, MCA kowtow to UMNO?
I propose Sekolah Wawasan can be running and become a new weapon of Dong Zhong fight back to government. Dong Zhong must try to lift the problem from only Chinese community to entries citizens. Remain status quo would no benefit to Dong Zhong, encourage non-chinese to independent school by amend the syllabus and conduct religious teaching in school.
perhaps I could propose my ideal as soon as possible…….....
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Do Malaysian can Really Quit the Bribes?
Recently, Malaysian ACA is quite busy, a lot of civil servant especially high ranking officer was been detent for suspected committee in corruption. It seems like the some kind of preview of the Commission ACA the new body of ACA that would be establish at next year. Finally Abdullah administration shows us a sign or their determine in tackling the corruption. Although it seems like good, sound like good, but may not so ideal. Wake up at the morning, driving to the work, congestion traffic, forced you used the bus lane, that you no allow to used, police notices it and summon u, u minta tolong…….if u have to visit the pejabat-pejabat for any submitting, application……..u must be patient, because you ll never hope officer would solve your application in a day……unless u willing……………this is become our daily practice, since we born……..it take it as a granted, sometimes we even hail our self for using an expressway to solve problem and claim it is kind of efficiency. yaya…I agree if follow the present procedure…..this is too much of rules and regulation you need to comply. For instances, if you want to establish a business, u ll first to apply the permission from suruhanjaya syarikat, luckily federal government’s business friendly , make u can have a permission within a day, you still no allow to start business. Because you still don’t have the license yet!! The license is applied form the local government. u ll have to fill up a lot of form to tell the locate government, firstly who u re, what business u plan to run…..because some business maybe u re no allow to step in……. , how much is your capital……….and then after you complete all this u finally have a license. However, this is no the ending, then the good you sell, or the service you provide , u may still instructed to applied a permission for these. If you re no convinced on it, ask ur dad, ur uncle who running business. They ll said NOT SUCH THINGS!! Provide you know how to do it………………….
Therefore, Malaysian people have made it as a part of life. Businessman think it as a cost, officer take it as granted, income and subsidies. It became a habit, and we re addicted by it, never try to quite it at lest 51 years we didn’t take it serious. I doubt if ACA realy became an independent body that it claims, but reali so effective to basmi the rasuah, that already become our culture? Although as purpose, director of this new commission would only hearing the Parliament, but PM still a person who appoint it by advise Yang Dipertuan Agong. Although ACA had been allocated a power to sue a suspect……but ACA only take action when there is report and evidence. Furthermore, do the ACA really brave to do it? although recently ACA show us their gut in arresting general deputy of some department and state assemblymen, but as we know their re only a small fry. Commonsense, if not because cover by prominent politician, do u think those suspected really so brave to commit corruption? For instances, in audit report 2007, it disclose some of the ministry is out of the budget. Among them, ministry of defend is most deficit, but why the ACA no take a action on it? in last year, do u still remember we invite those famous football club, like Chelsea, AC Milan to Malaysia to join an events? Do you still remember how much we lost on it? And do you still remember how much we expand in Malaysia women sport? These are obviously and significant evidence, but why ACA not investigate it? And now the suspected is promoted become minster.
Every year our lovely general audit submit a audit report to parliament, how it shock the rakyat? How weak or how idiot of these minister is, they even don’t know how manage their ministry. As taxpayer, re you really can ignore it. But why they still as usual when the report expose their scare under the sun? A-G no taking any necessary action on it, we can do nothing. ……..
So as you can Malaysian corruption is developing into a stage it on only involve one part but is whole system, if Abdullah and ACA really strict to tackling down the corruption, I don’t think the people involve in it will simply surrender, and wait the ACA hand cuff them. They fight to the end, any untoward will be happened, Kaja ng, Taiping and simpang renggan would be flooded by these politician, government has not minister, all is jailed or waiting for trial (sorry too exaggerate). Do both Abdullah and ACA willing facing it? Do they have any plan to encounter it?
Lastly rakyat, how they thinking of bribes? Although we accused the civil servant and politician accept the bribes, but why they become so greedy? Why they are not afraid any risk? Because rakyat mudah lupa. Rakyat should be the eye in check and balance the government, monitoring any single step of the politician, WE RE THE BOSS of this country, those YB, Ketua is serving us!!! If rakyat not practice their right, then the corruption will never end. Don’t rely too much on politician, even Oppositin party because it like you can’t ever stop the ant to eat honey. Indeed, politician would compromise with each other for the beneficial, this is priority for them. Keep in mind, nobody born with kind or evil, but born with benefit. People would only peruse the beneficial…