Friday, September 5, 2008

My Seoklah Wawasan-----Do u support my idea?

Figure 1 the organization of proposes Sekolah Wawasan

Propose This is the new sekolah wawasan I proposed, three streams is under one roof, state department and school would be allocated more power in their syllabus and administration. Currently, Malaysian education system is under federal government affairs highly centralized, state or locate government can have narrow role in it, therefore, student may know Malaysian history, but no their state or tanah air diri. State government should have more said in education system. Furthermore entire Malaysia now divided into different pieces of corridor. As we know those economic corridor exploit different field of industry, such as Iskandar, more focus on petrochemical, commercial, and manufacturing, north corridor intend to become logistic hub, Sarawak exploit in energy. While, therefore state government can fostering human capital needed for these corridor. The comprehensive information about my ideal is demonstrated at below:

Malaysia primary school education.
- Sekolah Wawasan 2
- The school is like a community, and divided by different compartment.
- Each of the compartments possesses its right in ruling and administration.

The power and right of each compartment
1. SJ(C), (T) and (M)
a). recruitment is scheduled in same time but the procedure carry out by each own.
b). the school’s affair is controlled by the headmaster respective.
c). the headmaster only abiding the instruction from the state education department
d). the appointing of staff (for teaching only) is under the power of MOE.
e). the schools sharing the facility such as court, canteen and hall.
f). each school has right to held ceremonial individually but no include the festival
g). the festival is celebrate altogether.
h). sport day, open day and any important ceremonial should held by trio, for reducing the
i). the human resources include the teacher is shared.
2. Headmaster.
a. supervisor of each school.
b. representing the school in the school affair council.
c. automatic member of the school affair council.
d. appointed by the MOE.
e. only receive the order from the state education department.
f. administrating the school.
g. prepare the annual report to MOE, SED, and SAC.
3. School Affair Council (SAC)
a. membered by each headmaster, three representative from the teacher association, three member appointed by parent association, and one representative from alumni.
b. discuss each school affair, manage the sharing facility.
c. scheduled the school holiday
d. establish jawatankuasa for management of facility, festival and progression or development of school.
e. prepare annual report for the MOE, SED and related admitted NGO.
f. discuss and pass the bill and allocation
4. Secretary.
a. carry school’s paperwork
b. prepare the document for the council.
c. appointed by MOE.
d. record the meeting and set the date for SAC
4. State Education Department
a. state agency
b. entity body, separated from MOE.
c. power in school building, land, and the administration.
d. provide allocation.
e. share power in editing the syllabus.
f. approve the textbook used in the school.
e. monitor the development of school.
g. audit the annual report prepared by SAC.
e. applied the allocation from the state and federal government.
f. prepare annual report to state government and MOE.
5. Ministry of Education.
a. Policy marker.
b. setting the blue plan of education development.
c. teacher training.
d. power in appointing the headmaster and teacher.
e. editing syllabus
f. setting the education act.
g. approve the allocation.
h. prepare annual report to the Parliament.

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