Thursday, September 11, 2008

Who can really solve racial issues? We! Not them!!

PM urge all the parties stop rising any racial issue, and racial relationship is tensed by these issues, destabilize the country. He also said, sentiment issues that not been talking in past, now is surfaced will only jeopardize the racial relationship, so must prevent to discuss it. it look like rational, and also sound like it, however also discover that BN still avoid to dissolve the problem that existed since Merdeka, still operate carpet policy. We can hide the head in sand, but problem still exists. Now is the time, when Malaysian is high educated and rational enough to discuss, debate and even come out a policy to tackle the problem. The problem that can't solve in your time, leave it to us, we are confident enough to solve it. New thinking and ideology are remedy for now Malaysian dilemma, Malaysian youth is sensible and take whole country on their shoulder. Don't tell me what we can't, just believe what we can, give me three young men, I can shake the world. The world is becoming even complicated and competitive; yours conservative would only make Malaysia recess. Racial issues should be solving in this generation, don't leave it for another 50 years and wait for next generation to solve it.


Satish said...

well said

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all started from them, and now they are making some drama to cover up these issues..
abolish racial politics first, if they realy aim to solve racial clashes..

malaysiaReconstructor said...

most probably to force all parties back to the right track is forming a third power by rakyat and NGO...